Friday, December 28, 2007
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Monday, October 29, 2007

Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Adria and Tucker and Daddy Hanging out.
After chores, Daddy allways takes time to hang out with his little one. No wonder she loves him so much!
Tucker gets some TLC too! He loves his soccor ball, and Daddy!
Daddy Daughter chores
Adria loves hanging out with her daddy, Even if it means doing chores. They
have alot of fun together.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
New table and chairs at the Weis home

They are solid cherrywood, and were made in yugoslavia. 6 of them for $30.00, and the table was free. We might actually get a different table, but we were looking for a new dining set, and couldn't pass this up.
They have really good deals on other

Savannah, Dechlin and a silly Grandpa
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
After nap energies
Adria and Kassidy were playing ring around the rosies. Adria says " ashes, ashes, da, da, down!"
Its cute that they have learned to hold eachothers hands while doing it. They suprise me with everything they learn. Its kind of a long video, but I couldn't help sharing it. : )
The other day they learned to jump off a bucket, I am trying to teach them to say "one, two, three." Kassidy will say it on her own, but Adria only likes the numbers tooo, and treee.
They would stand on top of the bucket and say "tooo, treee!" and then brave little Kassidy would jump off and land on her feet, and Adria would sit down and then jump off. They laughed and giggled about it, and practiced that new trick for atleast 1/2 hr.
I get excited for each day, to see what my little monkeys are going to think up and entertain me with, and what new things they will learn and suprise me with.