Monday, October 29, 2007

Here is the updated progress. Not a whole lot, but atleast I got the wallpaper all down and then sanded and pasted everything and now the dining room has a nice pecan sandie paint finish. Not sure still if I want to try black baseboards and trim or not. still deciding. I might just be brave and go for it. It would give it a nice contrast I think. : }

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Tucker and Daddy

Adria and Tucker and Daddy Hanging out.

After chores, Daddy allways takes time to hang out with his little one. No wonder she loves him so much!

Tucker gets some TLC too! He loves his soccor ball, and Daddy!

Daddy Daughter chores

Adria loves hanging out with her daddy, Even if it means doing chores. They
have alot of fun together.