Wednesday, January 30, 2008

more pics of Kimmy

Daddy got more pictures for us today. Things are looking really good to get her home soon!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Baby Kimmy's first moments

She's here!!!!!!! Kimberly Laura Weis, born after only 2 hrs of labor and less than 10 min. of pushing. A dream labor for some people-hehehe.
5:50 p.m., on Jan 26th 2008
9 lbs. 5.7 oz. and 22 inches long
She is soooooooooo cute!
I love her squishyness, and her beautifull, soft, black curly hair.
My camera needs new bateries, but I am working on getting some more pictures. Hopefully she can come home this weekend! Her big sister still needs to meet her!

Adria and her Daddy. Such a cute couple. : )

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Adria Dancing

The lighting wasn't very good, sorry.

Adria loves Cinderella, but now instead of wanting the movie played for her all the time, she wants "Dance!" played over and over. That is the music video of the song "a dream is a wish your heart makes". Hope you enjoy watching her boogie, if you can see it anyway. She cracks me up, this was actually a more mellow version of the dance she usually does.

As soon as she notices I have the camera on her she stops, I'll have to be more sneaky about it and get a better version. She is really funny sometimes.

I look really hammered in this picture, but here is my pregnant belly!

My due date is tomorrow, I have a feeling that isn't her plan though. She is to content inside of me. Maybe she knows what the weather is like outside and wants to stay warm. She better come soon though! I want to squish her and snuggle her! I am scheduled to be induced on Wednesday the 30th of Jan. if she doesn't come sooner. I don't really want to wait that long though!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Christmas Eve

I know these are a little late, but here they are.