Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Adria and Kassidy

They were just being goofballs. Both of them were dancing, but by the time I got the camera going Kassidy was more interested in a wet wipe, and Adria kept trying to blow the camera out. Chris showed her a lighter last night and she tried blowing it out, and now she thinks the camera is a lighter too.


Wiseman said...

these videos take forever to upload, but its kind of fun that you can put videos on it.

Wiseman said...

I know it sounds mean, but everytime I watch Adria get so dizzy that she crashes into the car seat, it just cracks me up!
She gets so dizzy from dancing in circles that she can't focus on walking anymore. These little girls are like this everyday. Full of giggles and silliness, and allways entertaining me! Julia